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I am a Mother !

Those two bright lines plunged me into plethora of emotions. Those marked the end of getting hormonal jabs regularly to fight the polycystic ovarian syndrome, end of criticism from relatives, end of those nights where Sex was so mechanical with planned ovulation dates.

Yeah ! I am gonna be a mommy, there is a little human growing inside me. with this excitement, there came a load of stress, anxiety & fear.

Being an over anxious person, I started reaching out to Dr.Google for every twitch and pain in the body. This started becoming worse day by day. I began troubling my husband with all my irrational thoughts, unnecessary fear and rants, made multiple appointments with my gynaecologist for assurance that all is well.

With every passing month, there was a rush of mixed emotions. I was super excited about getting a glimpse of my little one through ultrasounds and was equally nervous about what if something is wrong?!. Prego symptoms started to get overwhelming which always played negatives in my mind. Health anxiety also started creeping in. Every pain in abdomen meant I was dying only to realize later that it was just the uterud expanding to make comfortable setting for my little sugar plum. This is just one of the many terrible panic attack instances. I have learnt everything about pregnancy, post partum and new born care in a hard way. Today I am proud and don't regret even a single minute spent researching and reading extensively on all about little humans, when I am able to comfort and suggest a solutions to other moms who are going through the rough phase.

Through this blog, I am going to pick up a topic related to raising a new born and discuss. I have done extensive reading and got expert opinion from doctors, baby care takers and also neighbourhood grandmas. For all the doubts I had right from packing a hospital bag and hospital stays to breast feeding and dealing with new-Parent anxieties.

Dear Reader, Let me know through comments, if there are any feedback or suggestion on the topics which needs to be discussed on priority.


  1. Very informative for all the working women who don't get time to reach out to their support system (family/grandmom) it is useful.. Keep up the good work. Wish to read more on this blog


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