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Showing posts from November, 2017

I am a Mother !

Those two bright lines plunged me into plethora of emotions. Those marked the end of getting hormonal jabs regularly to fight the polycystic ovarian syndrome, end of criticism from relatives, end of those nights where Sex was so mechanical with planned ovulation dates. Yeah ! I am gonna be a mommy, there is a little human growing inside me. with this excitement, there came a load of stress, anxiety & fear. Being an over anxious person, I started reaching out to Dr.Google for every twitch and pain in the body. This started becoming worse day by day. I began troubling my husband with all my irrational thoughts, unnecessary fear and rants, made multiple appointments with my gynaecologist for assurance that all is well. With every passing month, there was a rush of mixed emotions. I was super excited about getting a glimpse of my little one through ultrasounds and was equally nervous about what if something is wrong?!. Prego symptoms started to get overwhelming which always pla

Must know facts about breastfeeding after a C-section mode of child birth

1. C section mothers lactate same as naturally delivered ones It's a myth that c section mothers cannot lactate early. Brain gets a signal to stimulate breast milk from the chemical reaction that happens when the placenta is detached from uterus. So, it doesn't really matter how you delivered. Key is to put the baby to breast as soon as possible, preferably during the first hour after delivery and nurse frequently. More the baby is suckles, more milk is produced. It is a demand and supply principle. 2. Anesthesia doesn't affect the breast milk Medications used during the surgery doesn't affect your breast milk. Go-ahead and nurse fearlessly! 3. Say No to unnecessary supplements Until and unless you are sure or confirmed about your low supply from lactation expert, do not fall into the formula trap. Colostrum is an important source of all the good stuff like antibodies and immunogens which is essential for your little one. 4. Nursing position Classic